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List of our clients

British Petroleum (BP)

“I recently worked on a project with Hamid Senni from Vision Enabler restructuring the group function for which I am responsible. Hamid's responsibilities were to lead and manage the change process of my group of people and their processes.

“Hamid demonstrated that he is a very capable person who delivers his projects with a high level of energy and enthusiasm. Prepared to challenge and provide constructive input was very beneficial.

“His ability to rapidly become inclusive in the team was a quality welcomed by all staff who would then not be afraid to confide in him.

“Hamid has a high level of intellect and combined with his personality and energy, this makes for him to be very effective”.

David T. Anderson, Head of BP Insurance Risk Solutions

Case Study

The Diversity Club®: our think tank

The Diversity Club® Paris was established in October 2007 and ran for two years from 2008 to 2009.

Through the Diversity Club® model, we created a think tank environment, bringing together some of the most forward thinking companies in France to work on a common diversity approach and share best-practice. Working together, we invented new solutions and created a framework for driving performance through diversity.

We focused on gender, ethnicity, disability and age to understand in what way the HR process could be based on individual merit to guarantee fairness and equal opportunity.

All our findings and conclusions formed the foundations of a diversity and performance course, at Sciences Po Paris (HR Masters).

The founding members along with L’Oréal were Blue Link (Air France Group), Ernst&Young, Groupama, La Banque Postale (La Poste Group), RATP, Sanofi Aventis and VIP International.

The club in Paris also included some of the leading companies in the diversity field: Accenture, Acsé, Airbus (EADS Group), Assystem, AXA, BNP Paribas, Danone, Gaz de France, M6 Television, Opcalia, Pitney Bowes, Renault, Schneider Electric, Société Générale, Total, Unilever, Vedior and Vente Privée.